Integrate your data and collaborate using data preparation in AWS Glue Studio

Today, we announce the general availability of data preparation authoring in AWS Glue Studio Visual ETL. This is a new no-code data preparation user experience for business users and data analysts with a spreadsheet-style UI that runs data integration jobs at scale on AWS Glue for Spark. The new visual data preparation experience makes it easier for data analysts and data scientists to clean and transform data to prepare it for analytics and machine learning (ML). Within this new experience, you can choose from hundreds of pre-built transformations to automate data preparation tasks, all without the need to write any code. Business analysts can now collaborate with data engineers to build data integration jobs. Data engineers can use the Glue…

Announcing the general availability of fully managed MLflow on Amazon SageMaker

Today, we are thrilled to announce the general availability of a fully managed MLflow capability on Amazon SageMaker. MLflow, a widely-used open-source tool, plays a crucial role in helping machine learning (ML) teams manage the entire ML lifecycle. With this new launch, customers can now effortlessly set up and manage MLflow Tracking Servers with just a few steps, streamlining the process and boosting productivity. Data Scientists and ML developers can leverage MLflow to track multiple attempts at training models as runs within experiments, compare these runs with visualizations, evaluate models, and register the best models to a Model Registry. Amazon SageMaker eliminates the undifferentiated heavy lifting required to set up and manage MLflow, providing ML administrators with a quick and…

AWS Weekly Roundup: Passkey MFA, Malware Protection on Amazon S3, and more (June 17, 2024)

Last week, my alma mater Standard Bank Group (SBG) hosted a Software Engineering Conference and invited me to be one of the keynote speakers. SBG has presence throughout Africa and this hybrid conference was attended by almost 2,000 engineers from across the continent. It was amazing to reconnect with long-time friends and former colleagues, and to make new friends. Last week’s launches Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week. Passkey multi-factor authentication (MFA) for root and IAM users – We’ve added passkeys to the list of supported multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your root and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users, to give you the convenience of use and easy recoverability. A passkey is a…

Run scalable, enterprise-grade generative AI workloads with Cohere Command R & R+, now available in Amazon Bedrock

In November 2023, we made two new Cohere models available in Amazon Bedrock (Cohere Command Light and Cohere Embed English). Today, we’re announcing the addition of two more Cohere models in Amazon Bedrock; Cohere Command R and Command R+. Organizations need generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) models to securely interact with information stored in their enterprise data sources. Both Command R and Command R+ are powerful, scalable large language models (LLMs), purpose-built for real-world, enterprise-grade workloads. These models are multilingual and are focused on balancing high efficiency with strong accuracy to excel at capabilities such as Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and tool use to enable enterprises to move beyond proof-of-concept (POC), and into production using artificial intelligence (AI). Command R is…