Evaluate, compare, and select the best foundation models for your use case in Amazon Bedrock (preview)

I’m happy to share that you can now evaluate, compare, and select the best foundation models (FMs) for your use case in Amazon Bedrock. Model Evaluation on Amazon Bedrock is available today in preview. Amazon Bedrock offers a choice of automatic evaluation and human evaluation. You can use automatic evaluation with predefined metrics such as accuracy, robustness, and toxicity. For subjective or custom metrics, such as friendliness, style, and alignment to brand voice, you can set up human evaluation workflows with just a few clicks. Model evaluations are critical at all stages of development. As a developer, you now have evaluation tools available for building generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications. You can start by experimenting with different models in the playground…

Introducing Amazon SageMaker HyperPod, a purpose-built infrastructure for distributed training at scale

Today, we are introducing Amazon SageMaker HyperPod, which helps reducing time to train foundation models (FMs) by providing a purpose-built infrastructure for distributed training at scale. You can now use SageMaker HyperPod to train FMs for weeks or even months while SageMaker actively monitors the cluster health and provides automated node and job resiliency by replacing faulty nodes and resuming model training from a checkpoint. The clusters come preconfigured with SageMaker’s distributed training libraries that help you split your training data and model across all the nodes to process them in parallel and fully utilize the cluster’s compute and network infrastructure. You can further customize your training environment by installing additional frameworks, debugging tools, and optimization libraries. Let me show…

Amazon Titan Image Generator, Multimodal Embeddings, and Text models are now available in Amazon Bedrock

Today, we’re introducing two new Amazon Titan multimodal foundation models (FMs): Amazon Titan Image Generator (preview) and Amazon Titan Multimodal Embeddings. I’m also happy to share that Amazon Titan Text Lite and Amazon Titan Text Express are now generally available in Amazon Bedrock. You can now choose from three available Amazon Titan Text FMs, including Amazon Titan Text Embeddings. Amazon Titan models incorporate 25 years of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) innovation at Amazon and offer a range of high-performing image, multimodal, and text model options through a fully managed API. AWS pre-trained these models on large datasets, making them powerful, general-purpose models built to support a variety of use cases while also supporting the responsible use of…

Introducing Amazon Q, a new generative AI-powered assistant (preview)

Today, we are announcing Amazon Q, a new generative artificial intelligence- (AI)-powered assistant designed for work that can be tailored to your business. You can use Amazon Q to have conversations, solve problems, generate content, gain insights, and take action by connecting to your company’s information repositories, code, data, and enterprise systems. Amazon Q provides immediate, relevant information and advice to employees to streamline tasks, accelerate decision-making and problem-solving, and help spark creativity and innovation at work. Amazon Q offers user-based plans, so you get features, pricing, and options tailored to how you use the product. Amazon Q can adapt its interactions to each individual user based on the existing identities, roles, and permissions of your business. AWS never uses…