New Storage-Optimized Amazon EC2 Instances (Im4gn and Is4gen) Powered by AWS Graviton2 Processors

EC2 storage-optimized instances are designed to deliver high disk I/O performance, and plenty of storage. Our customers use them to host high-performance real-time databases, distributed file systems, data warehouses, key-value stores, and more. Over the years we have released multiple generations of storage-optimized instances including the HS1 (2012) , D2 (2015), I2 (2013) , I3 (2017), I3en (2019), and D3/D3en (2020). As I look back on all of these launches, it is interesting to see how we continue to provide an ever-increasing set of options that make each successive generation an even better fit for the diverse (and also ever-increasing) needs of our customers. HS1 instances were available in just one size, D2 and I2 in four, I3 in six,…

Machine Learning-Powered Amazon Connect, Now With Call Summarization

At AWS our mission is to make machine learning (ML) accessible to data scientists, developers, and business users. To help businesses easily leverage the power of ML, we create purpose-built solutions that embed ML and deep learning technologies directly into a business process to address real customer needs, rather than leaving companies to sort it out on their own. One place where we have seen ML have an impact is within the contact center—the place you receive and respond to customer inquiries and issues. Because of the growing role of customer experience (CX) and the increase in contact less commerce via phone or email, contact centers are essentials to maintaining the human connections that businesses depend on. However, analog or…

New for AWS Control Tower – Region Deny and Guardrails to Help You Meet Data Residency Requirements

Many customers, such as those in highly regulated industries and the public sector, want to have control over where their data is stored and processed. AWS already offers many tools and features to comply with local laws and regulations, but we want to provide a simplified way to translate data residency requirements into controls that can be applied to single- and multi-account environments. Starting today, you can use AWS Control Tower to deploy data residency preventive and detective controls, referred to as guardrails. These guardrails will prevent provisioning resources in unwanted AWS Regions by restricting access to AWS APIs through service control policies (SCPs) built and managed by AWS Control Tower. In this way, content cannot be created or transferred…

New – AWS Outposts Servers in Two Form Factors

AWS Outposts gives you on-premises compute and storage that is monitored and managed by AWS, and controlled by the same, familiar AWS APIs. You may already know about the AWS Outposts rack, which occupies a full 42U rack. Last year I told you that we were working on new sizes of Outposts suitable for locations such as branch offices, factories, retail stores, health clinics, hospitals, and cell sites that are space-constrained and need access to low-latency compute capacity. Today we are launching three AWS Outposts servers, all powered by AWS Nitro System and with your choice of x86 or Arm/Graviton2 processors. Here’s an overview: Name/Rack Size/Catalog ID EC2 Instance Capacity Processor / Architecture vCPUs Memory Local NVMe SSD Storage Outposts…