Amazon Redshift adds new AI capabilities, including Amazon Q, to boost efficiency and productivity

Amazon Redshift puts artificial intelligence (AI) at your service to optimize efficiencies and make you more productive with two new capabilities that we are launching in preview today. First, Amazon Redshift Serverless becomes smarter. It scales capacity proactively and automatically along dimensions such as the complexity of your queries, their frequency, the size of the dataset, and so on to deliver tailored performance optimizations. This allows you to spend less time tuning your data warehouse instances and more time getting value from your data. Second, Amazon Q generative SQL in Amazon Redshift Query Editor generates SQL recommendations from natural language prompts. This helps you to be more productive in extracting insights from your data. Let’s start with Amazon Redshift Serverless…

Analyze large amounts of graph data to get insights and find trends with Amazon Neptune Analytics

I am happy to announce the general availability of Amazon Neptune Analytics, a new analytics database engine that makes it faster for data scientists and application developers to quickly analyze large amounts of graph data. With Neptune Analytics, you can now quickly load your dataset from Amazon Neptune or your data lake on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), run your analysis tasks in near real time, and optionally terminate your graph afterward. Graph data enables the representation and analysis of intricate relationships and connections within diverse data domains. Common applications include social networks, where it aids in identifying communities, recommending connections, and analyzing information diffusion. In supply chain management, graphs facilitate efficient route optimization and bottleneck identification. In cybersecurity,…

Getting started with new Amazon RDS for Db2

I am pleased to announce that IBM and AWS have come together to offer Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Db2, a fully managed Db2 database engine running on AWS infrastructure. IBM Db2 is an enterprise-grade relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by IBM. It offers a comprehensive set of features, including strong data processing capabilities, robust security mechanisms, scalability, and support for diverse data types. Db2 is a well-established choice among organizations for effectively managing data in various applications and handling data-intensive workloads due to its reliability and performance. Db2 has its roots in the pioneering work around data storage and structured query language (SQL) IBM has done since the 1970s. It has been commercially available since 1983,…

AWS Control Tower adds new controls to help customers meet digital sovereignty requirements

Today, we added to AWS Control Tower a set of 65 purpose-built controls to help you meet your digital sovereignty requirements. Digital sovereignty is the control of your digital assets: where the data resides, where it flows, and who has control over it. Since the creation of the AWS Cloud 17 years ago, we have been committed to giving you control over your data. In November last year, we launched the AWS Digital Sovereignty Pledge, our commitment to offering all AWS customers the most advanced set of sovereignty controls and features available in the cloud. Since then, we have announced several steps in that direction. The AWS Nitro System has been validated by an independent third party to confirm that…