Computer Vision at the Edge with AWS Panorama

Today, the AWS Panorama Appliance is generally available to all of you. The AWS Panorama Appliance is a computer vision (CV) appliance designed to be deployed on your network to analyze images provided by your on-premises cameras. Every week, I read about new and innovative use cases for computer vision. Some customers are using CV to verify pallet trucks are parked in designated areas to ensure worker safety in warehouses, some are analyzing customer walking flows in retail stores to optimize space and product placement, and some are using it to recognize cats and mice, just to name a few. AWS customers agree the cloud is the most convenient place to train computer vision models thanks to its virtually infinite…

AWS Cloud Control API, a Uniform API to Access AWS & Third-Party Services

Today, I am happy to announce the availability of AWS Cloud Control API a set of common application programming interfaces (APIs) that are designed to make it easy for developers to manage their AWS and third-party services. AWS delivers the broadest and deepest portfolio of cloud services. Builders leverage these to build any type of cloud infrastructure. It started with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 15 years ago and grew over 200+ services. Each AWS service has a specific API with its own vocabulary, input parameters, and error reporting. For example, you use the S3 CreateBucket API to create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) RunInstances API to create an…

New for Amazon Connect: Voice ID, Wisdom, and Outbound Communications

During the AWS re:Invent conference last year, I wrote about new capabilities added to Amazon Connect. Today, I am happy to announce the general availability of two of these capabilities, Voice ID and Wisdom, and the launch of a new one. High-volume outbound communications allows, as the name implies, the initiation and management of outbound communications over voice, SMS, or email. Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use omnichannel cloud contact center that helps you provide customer service at a lower cost. In just a few clicks, you can set up and make changes to your contact center, so agents can begin helping customers right away. Amazon Connect Wisdom Wisdom reduces the time agents spend searching for answers. Today, when agents require…

Inspect Subnet to Subnet traffic with Amazon VPC More Specific Routing

Since December 2019, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) has allowed you to route all ingress traffic (also known as north – south traffic) to a specific network interface. You might use this capability for a number of reasons. For example, to inspect incoming traffic using an intrusion detection system (IDS) appliance or to route ingress traffic to a firewall. Since we launched this feature, many of you asked us to provide a similar capability to analyze traffic flowing from one subnet to another inside your VPC, also known as east – west traffic. Until today, it was not possible because a route in a routing table cannot be more specific than the default local route (check the VPC documentation for more details).…