New compute-optimized (C7i-flex) Amazon EC2 Flex instances

The vast majority of applications don’t run run the CPU flat-out at 100% utilization continuously. Take a web application, for instance. It typically fluctuates between periods of high and low demand, but hardly ever uses a server’s compute at full capacity. CPU utilization for many common workloads that customers run in the AWS Cloud today. (source: AWS Documentation) One easy and cost-effective way to run such workloads is to use the Amazon EC2 M7i-flex instances which we introduced last August. These are lower-priced variants of the Amazon EC2 M7i instances offering the same next-generation specs for general purpose compute for the most popular sizes with the added benefit of giving you better price/performance if you don’t need full compute power…

AWS Weekly Roundup: Amazon Q, Amazon QuickSight, AWS CodeArtifact, Amazon Bedrock, and more (May 6, 2024)

April has been packed with new releases! Last week continued that trend with many new releases supporting a variety of domains such as security, analytics, devops, and many more, as well as more exciting new capabilities within generative AI. If you missed the AWS Summit London 2024, you can now watch the sessions on demand, including the keynote by Tanuja Randery, VP & Marketing Director, EMEA, and many of the break-out sessions which will continue to be released over the coming weeks. Last week’s launches Here are some of the highlights that caught my attention this week: Manual and automatic rollback from any stage in AWS CodePipeline – You can now rollback any stage, other than Source, to any previously…