AWS Week in Review – March 27, 2023

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! In Finland, where I live, spring has arrived. The snow has melted, and the trees have grown their first buds. But I don’t get my hopes high, as usually around Easter we have what is called takatalvi. Takatalvi is a Finnish world that means that the winter returns unexpectedly in the spring. Last Week’s Launches Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week. AWS SAM CLI – Now the sam sync command will compare your local Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template with your deployed AWS CloudFormation template and skip the…

AWS Clean Rooms Now Generally Available — Collaborate with Your Partners without Sharing Raw Data

Companies across multiple industries, such as advertising and marketing, retail, consumer packaged goods (CPG), travel and hospitality, media and entertainment, and financial services, increasingly look to supplement their data with data from business partners, to build a complete view of their business. Let’s take a marketing use case as an example. Brands, publishers, and their partners need to collaborate using datasets that are stored across many channels and applications to improve the relevance of their campaigns and better engage with consumers. At the same time, they also want to protect sensitive consumer information and eliminate the sharing of raw data. Data clean rooms can help solve this challenge by allowing multiple companies to analyze their collective data in a private…

AWS Week in Review – March 20, 2023

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! A new week starts, and Spring is almost here! If you’re curious about AWS news from the previous seven days, I got you covered. Last Week’s Launches Here are the launches that got my attention last week: Amazon S3 – Last week there was AWS Pi Day 2023 celebrating 17 years of innovation since Amazon S3 was introduced on March 14, 2006. For the occasion, the team released many new capabilities: S3 Object Lambda now provides aliases that are interchangeable with bucket names and can be used with Amazon CloudFront to tailor content for end…

AWS Application Composer Now Generally Available – Visually Build Serverless Applications Quickly

At AWS re:Invent 2022, we previewed AWS Application Composer, a visual builder for you to compose and configure serverless applications from AWS services backed by deployment-ready infrastructure as code (IaC). In the keynote, Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO of said: Developers that never used serverless before. How do they know where to start? Which services do they need? How do they work together? We really wanted to make this easier. AWS Application Composer simplifies and accelerates the architecting, configuring, and building of serverless applications. During the preview, we had lots of interest and great feedback from customers. Today, I am happy to announce the general availability of AWS Application Composer with new improvements based on customer feedback. I want to…