Amazon EKS Anywhere – Now Generally Available to Create and Manage Kubernetes Clusters on Premises

At AWS re:Invent 2020, we preannounced new deployment options of Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Anywhere and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Anywhere in your own data center. Today, I am happy to announce the general availability of Amazon EKS Anywhere, a deployment option for Amazon EKS that enables you to easily create and operate Kubernetes clusters on premises using VMware vSphere starting today. EKS Anywhere provides an installable software package for creating and operating Kubernetes clusters on premises and automation tooling for cluster lifecycle support. EKS Anywhere brings a consistent AWS management experience to your data center, building on the strengths of Amazon EKS Distro, an open-source distribution for Kubernetes used by Amazon EKS. EKS Anywhere is…

Decoding the Social Effects Of Media with Machine Learning

What if media were optimized to benefit people? This thought-provoking question is at the core of Harmony Labs‘ mission. A nonprofit organization headquartered in New York City, Harmony Labs strives to better understand the impact of media on society, and build communities and tools to reform and transform media systems. As Brian Wanieswki, Executive Director at Harmony Labs puts it: “The media systems that we have now, for better or worse, have become outrage machines and sorting machines that put people into groups of like minds. The business incentive structures of these systems are such that the more outrage there is, the more profit there is. Political events across the world in recent years have borne out what these media…

Amazon Managed Grafana Is Now Generally Available with Many New Features

In December, we introduced the preview of Amazon Managed Grafana, a fully managed service developed in collaboration with Grafana Labs that makes it easy to use the open-source and the enterprise versions of Grafana to visualize and analyze your data from multiple sources. With Amazon Managed Grafana, you can analyze your metrics, logs, and traces without having to provision servers, or configure and update software. During the preview, Amazon Managed Grafana was updated with new capabilities. Today, I am happy to announce that Amazon Managed Grafana is now generally available with additional new features: Grafana has been upgraded to version 8 and offers new data sources, visualizations, and features, including library panels that you can build once and re-use on…

Inspect Subnet to Subnet traffic with Amazon VPC More Specific Routing

Since December 2019, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) has allowed you to route all ingress traffic (also known as north – south traffic) to a specific network interface. You might use this capability for a number of reasons. For example, to inspect incoming traffic using an intrusion detection system (IDS) appliance or to route ingress traffic to a firewall. Since we launched this feature, many of you asked us to provide a similar capability to analyze traffic flowing from one subnet to another inside your VPC, also known as east – west traffic. Until today, it was not possible because a route in a routing table cannot be more specific than the default local route (check the VPC documentation for more details).…