How many times have you had monitoring dashboards show you a normal situation, and at the same time, you have received customer tickets reporting your app is “slow” or unavailable to them? How much time did it take to diagnose these customer reports? You told us one of your challenges when monitoring internet-facing applications is to gather data outside of AWS to build a realistic picture of how your application behaves for your customers connected to multiple and geographically distant internet providers. Capturing and monitoring data about internet traffic before it reaches your infrastructure is either difficult or very expensive. I am happy to announce the public preview of Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor, a new capability of CloudWatch that gives…
New for Amazon Transcribe – Real-Time Analytics During Live Calls
The experience customers have when interacting with a contact center can have a profound impact on them. For this reason, we launched Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics last year to help you analyze customer call recordings and get insights into issues and trends related to customer satisfaction and agent performance. To assist agents in resolving live calls faster, we are introducing today real-time call analytics in Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics. Real-time call analytics provides APIs for developers to accurately transcribe live calls and at the same time identify customer experience issues and sentiment in real time. Transcribe Call Analytics uses state-of-the-art machine learning capabilities to automatically assess thousands of in-progress calls and detect customer experience issues, such as repeated requests to…
Automated in-AWS Failback for AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery
I first covered AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS) in a 2021 blog post. In that post, I described how DRS “enables customers to use AWS as an elastic recovery site for their on-premises applications without needing to invest in on-premises DR infrastructure that lies idle until needed. Once enabled, DRS maintains a constant replication posture for your operating systems, applications, and databases.” I’m happy to announce that, today, DRS now also supports in-AWS failback, adding to the existing support for non-disruptive recovery drills and on-premises failback included in the original release. I also wrote in my earlier post that drills are an important part of disaster recovery since, if you don’t test, you simply won’t know for sure that your…
New – Amazon ECS Service Connect Enabling Easy Communication Between Microservices
Microservices architectures are a well-known software development approach to make applications composed of small independent services that communicate over well-defined application programming interfaces (APIs). Customers faced challenges when they started breaking down their monolith applications into microservices, as it required specialized networking knowledge to communicate internally with other microservices. Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS) customers have several solutions for service-to-service, but each one comes with some challenges and complications: 1) Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) needs to carefully plan for configuring infrastructure for high availability and incur additional infrastructure cost. 2) Using Amazon ECS Service Discovery often requires developers to write custom application code for collecting traffic metrics and for making network calls resilient. 3) Service mesh solutions such as…