AWS Week in Review – August 15, 2022

I love the AWS Twitch channel for watching interesting online live shows such as AWS On Air, Containers from the Couch, and Serverless Office Hours. Last week, AWS Storage Day 2022 was hosted virtually on the AWS Twitch channel and covered recent announcements and insights that address customers’ needs to reduce and optimize storage costs and build data resiliency into their organization. For example, we pre-announced Amazon File Cache, an upcoming new service on AWS that accelerates and simplifies hybrid cloud workloads. To learn more, watch the on-demand recording. Two weeks ago, AWS Silicon Innovation Day 2022 was also hosted on the AWS Twitch channel. This event covered an overview of our history of silicon development and provided useful sessions on specific AWS chip innovations such as AWS…

New – AWS Private 5G – Build Your Own Private Mobile Network

Back in the mid-1990’s, I had a young family and 5 or 6 PCs in the basement. One day my son Stephen and I bought a single box that contained a bunch of 3COM network cards, a hub, some drivers, and some cables, and spent a pleasant weekend setting up our first home LAN. Introducing AWS Private 5G Today I would like to introduce you to AWS Private 5G, the modern, corporate version of that very powerful box of hardware and software. This cool new service lets you design and deploy your own private mobile network in a matter of days. It is easy to install, operate, and scale, and does not require any specialized expertise. You can use the…

Welcome to AWS Storage Day 2022

We are on the fourth year of our annual AWS Storage Day! Do you remember our first Storage Day 2019 and the subsequent Storage Day 2020? I watched Storage Day 2021, which was streamed live from downtown Seattle. We continue to hear from our customers about how powerful the Storage Day announcements and educational sessions were. With this year’s lineup, we aim to share our insights on how to protect your data and put it to work. The free Storage Day 2022 virtual event is happening now on the AWS Twitch channel. Tune in to hear from experts about new announcements, leadership insights, and educational content related to the broad portfolio of AWS Storage services. Our customers are looking to…

AWS Week in Review – August 8, 2022

As an ex-.NET developer, and now Developer Advocate for .NET at AWS, I’m excited to bring you this week’s Week in Review post, for reasons that will quickly become apparent! There are several updates, customer stories, and events I want to bring to your attention, so let’s dive straight in! Last Week’s launches .NET developers, here are two new updates to be aware of—and be sure to check out the events section below for another big announcement: Developers refactoring applications to a microservice-based architecture should look at new automated recommendations in the AWS Microservice Extractor for .NET that help identify code suitable to refactor as a microservice. Now, instead of developers needing to identify and group classes for extraction, Microservice…