I am pleased to announce the availability of local clusters for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) on AWS Outposts. It means that starting today, you can deploy your Amazon EKS cluster entirely on Outposts: both the Kubernetes control plane and the nodes. Amazon EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS and on premises. AWS Outposts is a family of fully managed solutions delivering AWS infrastructure and services to virtually any on-premises or edge location for a truly consistent hybrid experience. To fully understand the benefits of local clusters for Amazon EKS on Outposts, I need to first share a bit of background. Some customers use Outposts to deploy Kubernetes…
Category: AWS
Reposts from Amazon Web Services (AWS).
AWS Week in Review – September 19, 2022
Things are heating up in Seattle, with preparation for AWS re:Invent 2022 well underway. Later this month the entire News Blog team will participate in our now-legendary “speed storming” event. Over the course of three or four days, each of the AWS service teams with a launch in the works for re:Invent will give us an overview and share their PRFAQ (Press Release + FAQ) with us. After the meetings conclude, we’ll divvy up the launches and get to work on our blog posts! Last Week’s Launches Here are some of the launches that caught my eye last week: Amazon Lex Visual Conversation Builder – This new tool makes bot design easier than ever. You get a complete view of…
New – Direct VPC Routing Between On-Premises Networks and AWS Outposts Rack
Today, we announced direct VPC routing for AWS Outposts rack. This enables you to connect Outposts racks and on-premises networks using simplified IP address management. Direct VPC routing automatically advertises Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) subnet CIDR addresses to on-premises networks. This enables you to use the private IP addresses of resources in your VPC when communicating with your on-premises network. Furthermore, you can enable direct VPC routing using a self-serve process without needing to contact AWS. If you’re unfamiliar, AWS Outposts rack, a part of the Outposts family, is a fully-managed service that offers the same AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to virtually any on-premises datacenter or co-location space for a consistent hybrid experience. They’re ideal…
AWS Week In Review – September 12, 2022
I am working from London, UK, this week to record sessions for the upcoming Innovate EMEA online conference—more about this in a future Week In Review. While I was crossing the channel, I took the time to review what happened on AWS last week. Last Week’s Launches Here are some launches that got my attention: Seekable OCI for lazy loading container images. Seekable OCI (SOCI) is a technology open sourced by AWS that enables containers to launch faster by lazily loading the container image. SOCI works by creating an index of the files within an existing container image. This index is a key enabler to launching containers faster, providing the capability to extract an individual file from a container image…