Prime Day 2023 Powered by AWS – All the Numbers

As part of my annual tradition to tell you about how AWS makes Prime Day possible, I am happy to be able to share some chart-topping metrics (check out my 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 posts for a look back). This year I bought all kinds of stuff for my hobbies including a small drill press, filament for my 3D printer, and irrigation tools. I also bought some very nice Alphablock books for my grandkids. According to our official release, the first day of Prime Day was the single largest sales day ever on Amazon and for independent sellers, with more than 375 million items purchased. Prime Day by the Numbers As always, Prime Day was powered by…

Introducing the first AWS Security Heroes

The AWS Heroes program recognizes individuals who combine their deeply technical expertise with a passion for helping others to learn more and build faster. Over the years, trends have evolved in how the community develops and deploys solutions built on AWS, which has influenced the creation of specialized Hero categories. Today, we’re thrilled to officially recognize and acknowledge leaders in the security area of focus. Security is often looked at in terms of impact and not how it enables teams to safely innovate. Our inaugural AWS Security Heroes have shown time and time again that a pragmatic approach, executed with the intent to inform and educate, delivers positive security outcomes. The initial cohort of AWS Security Heroes are experts at…

Now Open – AWS Israel (Tel Aviv ) Region

In June 2021, Jeff Barr announced the upcoming AWS Israel (Tel Aviv) Region. Today we’re announcing the general availability of the AWS Israel (Tel Aviv) Region, with three Availability Zones and the il-central-1 API name. The new Tel Aviv Region gives customers an additional option for running their applications and serving users from data centers located in Israel. Customers can securely store data in Israel while serving users in the vicinity with even lower latency. AWS Services in the AWS Israel (Tel Aviv) Region In the new Tel Aviv Region, you can use C5, C5d, C6g, C6gn, C6i, C6id, D3, G5, I3, I3en, I4i, M5, M5d, M6g, M6gd, M6i, M6id, P4de (public preview only), R5, R5d, R6g, R6i, R6id, T3, T3a, T4g instances, and a…

AWS Week in Review – Agents for Amazon Bedrock, Amazon SageMaker Canvas New Capabilities, and More – July 31, 2023

This July, AWS communities in ASEAN wrote a new history. First, the AWS User Group Malaysia recently held the first AWS Community Day in Malaysia. Another significant milestone has been achieved by the AWS User Group Philippines. They just celebrated their tenth anniversary by running 2 days of AWS Community Day Philippines. Here are a few photos from the event, including Jeff Barr sharing his experiences attending AWS User Group meetup, in Manila, Philippines 10 years ago. Big congratulations to AWS Community Heroes, AWS Community Builders, AWS User Group leaders and all volunteers who organized and delivered AWS Community Days! Also, thank you to everyone who attended and help support our AWS communities. Last Week’s Launches We had interesting launches…