Simplify How You Manage Authorization in Your Applications with Amazon Verified Permissions – Now Generally Available

When developing a new application or integrating an existing one into a new environment, user authentication and authorization require significant effort to be correctly implemented. In the past, you would have built your own authentication system, but today you can use an external identity provider like Amazon Cognito. Yet, authorization logic is typically implemented in code. This might begin simply enough, with all users assigned a role for their job function. However, over time, these permissions grow increasingly complex. The number of roles expands, as permissions become more fine-grained. New use cases drive the need for custom permissions. For instance, one user might share a document with another in a different role, or a support agent might require temporary access…

AWS Week in Review – Automate DLQ Redrive for SQS, Lambda Supports Ruby 3.2, and More – June 12, 2023

Today I’m boarding a plane for Madrid. I will attend the AWS Summit Madrid this Thursday, and I will take Serverlesspresso with me. Serverlesspresso is a demo that we take to events, in where you can learn how to build event-driven architectures with serverless. If you are visiting an AWS Summit, most probably you will find one of our booths. Last Week’s Launches Here are some launches that got my attention during the previous week. Amazon SQS – Customers were very excited when we announced the DLQ redrive for Amazon SQS as that feature helped them to easily redirect the failed messages. This week we added support for AWS SDK and CLI for this feature, allowing you to redrive the…

New – Move Payment Processing to the Cloud with AWS Payment Cryptography

Cryptography is everywhere in our daily lives. If you’re reading this blog, you’re using HTTPS, an extension of HTTP that uses encryption to secure communications. On AWS, multiple services and capabilities help you manage keys and encryption, such as: AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), which you can use to create and protect keys to encrypt or digitally sign your data. AWS CloudHSM, which you can use to manage single-tenant hardware security modules (HSMs). HSMs are physical devices that securely protect cryptographic operations and the keys used by these operations. HSMs can help you meet your corporate, contractual, and regulatory compliance requirements. With CloudHSM, you have access to general-purpose HSMs. When payments are involved, there are specific payment HSMs that…